Other resources

There are many sites about Samael Aun Weor gnosis. Here is a short list :

Gnostic Teachings - Excellent gnostic content. Site in english. A must.

Vopus.org - Multilingual site. Lots of gnostic materials.

Samael.org - Multilingual site dedicated to Samael Aun Weor and his work. Great

GnosisCentral.com - Books and Audiobooks in english

BibliotecaGnostica.net - Extensive collection of Samaelian resources, multilingual

SamaelGnosis.net - Books, Audiobooks, resources, in spanish

Other sites to support your gnostic studies:

Internet Sacred Text Archive - large archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric

Online Sanskrit Dictionary

Buddhanet.net - Buddhist Studies - Glossary

Theoi.com - Greek Mythology - all you need to explore the Greek Mythology

Bible Wheel - Hebrew Bible verse by verse. Great tool for Bible study

Web Gallery of Art - a virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts from 11th to 19th centuries. Beautiful !


HebrewAlphabet Quizzer - download it and learn the Hebrew letters. A FREEWARE program by Robert C. Graf, copyright 2005

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